5 Trends to Watch in 2020

Looking to build or planning to start a renovation in 202? If so, its important to be aware of the budding trends to hit our shores for 2020.

Building a home can be expensive, so its best to make sure you get it right the first time round, and that means compiling plenty of research on latest trends and creating your very on mood board. With 2019 behind us, rest assured 2020 will have its fair share of new design elements which I’m sure will influence how you plan your build.

We have complied a several new trends down to a mere 5 we believe are sure to be hits.


You may have noticed a bit of hype surrounding the use of Colorbond cladding making its way into the market late 2019. Well its here to stay and we believe we may see an increase in some diverse materials used, such as Zinc, Copper and steel. With online searches on the increase, and the ever growing discussion around sustainability and climate change, it seems this could be the way of the future.

With a focal point on combustible materials following the cladding disaster in 2019, Houzz is seeing an industry swing to these new demands – goodbye rendered brickwork and feature timber panelling and hello to steel, colorbond and zinc.


Whilst it may remind you of the 1950-1960s building faze of curved archways or your nonna’s home, Curves are making their way back into Australian Architecture. We believe Curves & Arches will return in 2020 in big ways, adding softness and a some what feminine touch in spaces that are otherwise filled with hard surfaces. Architectural features of home designs will adopt soft curved walls and arched windows that will continually stretch Architectural & Structural boundaries.   


Found yourself in the awkward position of having a spare few meters past the kitchen? Fear not a rising trend of 2019 will continue its way into 2020. Why not put that dead space to good use and create a new living zone for the ever decreasing homes. We’ve found the hottest trend is turning the space into a small Study nook, or the addition of some extended bench seating whilst incorporating additional storage under the seats.


Terrazzo found its way into the Market in 2019 increasing in Houzz searches by 28%. Wilst we all saw it feature on ‘The Block’ and having its little hot minute, its nothing to what we believe is in store for this composite material. It is formed with chips of marble, quarts, granite or glass and has mostly been seen featured in Tiles; In 2020 expect to see it in Benchtops, splashbacks and homewares with even bigger chips and bolder colours.


Natural hues will be right on trend this 2020 with colours such as Beige, stone, soft eucalypt greens and earthy browns taking rein. Typically seen in natural materials such as Jute, sisal, hem: colours of unbleached, undyed wool, natural clay and stone colours.

However Houzz predicting strong colours with added shading will also be right on trend keeping you bold colour enthusiastic taste buds flowing. Shades to follow are merlot, peacock, blue and spicy pink.


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